About a year ago, I watched a short YouTube video by Simon Sinek, the author of Start with Why. My interpretation of his thesis is that our "why" is the story behind our "what" and "how." It is what people genuinely want to know about us, and consequently, it is what "sells" us. This concept struck me hard, and for weeks (months) afterward, my subconscious was working on my personal "why," which, for many reasons (some more obvious than others), is inextricably tied to DRC's "why." It remained buried inside my head until Liam Crossen, a videographer from Boston visited DRC in mid-November (the last three days before we went remote because of COVID) to produce marketing videos for us. He spent his time interviewing staff, parents, and our kiddos - as well as capturing the every day action. He saved my interview for the last day, right before he had to return home. During the interview, I was finally able to articulate my (and DRC's) "why." Maybe it was, at long last, fully formed and ready to come out, or possibly Liam was asking the right questions. In any case, It felt correct and authentic, and nine months later,it still does. I think this statement, which continues: learning can only happen when kids intuitively understand that they are secure, accepted, and trusted to make decisions, make mistakes, and explore all their interests to achieve their ever-evolving aspirations thoroughly explains why Deep Root Center exists. It implicitly describes our philosophy and our innate trust in kids. It is why our "pay what you can" policy exists. And it perfectly expresses why I am passionate about dedicating my time, skills, and energy to this organization. DRC News Summer Programs - We have several openings for the first week. However, the last two weeks are nearly full - register soon if your child wants to participate. Membership: The Canton Center has space for a few more kiddos this Fall. Check us out before we are at capacity - with a waiting list.
I will be in Chicago with family, celebrating my son, Ian's, wedding between the 4th -10th. Therefore, I will not be checking or responding to messages as frequently as usual, and there will probably not be a Blog posting next Sunday. Comments are closed.