Get Involved
Read this year's news in our Fall '24 funding appeal.
Deep Root Center relies on you - our community to help us keep our promise to never refuse a child because of their family's financial reality. DRC could not exist without your direct support.
We are looking for people who are excited about:
We are looking for people who are excited about:
- Investing their fiscal resources in our student members.
- sharing their passions, interests, and skills with our student members as a volunteer facilitator or mentor
- providing background support in IT, cleaning and maintaining our facility, fundraising, and grant writing.
- Contributing towards capital improvements of our facility
At Deep Root Center (DRC), we believe that all young people deserve a safe educational environment where they feel trusted and heard - and where they are free to explore all the possibilities. Because, learning can only happen when kids intuitively understand that they are safe, heard, and trusted to make decisions, make mistakes, and explore all their interests to achieve their ever-evolving aspirations.
DRC has two small non-coercive learning centers in Northern NY filled with resources, materials, and people who are here to support young people to be their best, most authentic selves. DRC has made a promise to help all local kids who want or need a different learning experience than is offered in traditional schools. We are for people not profit. Your donations help us changes lives. Venmo Us
@Whole-Learners (3034)
Send us gifts from our:
SponsorshipDeep Root Center has a "pay what you can" policy with an established minimum. We have subsidized over $200,000.00 in fees this year, alone. There is not a special scholarship fund from where we draw these subsidies. It simply means - we have a constantly restricted budget. We have to stop and think twice before purchasing necessary supplies or equipment. Our wonderfully, creative, and inspiring staff does not get paid what they deserve. There are so many things we "get by" with because our budget dictates austerity. This is where you come in - for every "full pay" received we can:
Deep Root Center hosts many volunteers throughout the academic year who share their interests with our student members by mentoring our youth, becoming reading buddies, facilitating classes and discussions, assisting with hands-on projects, and helping with behind the scenes essentials. By donating their time and knowledge, volunteers greatly benefit our members and staff, helping us realize our principles of community-based education.