Together We Can Change Lives
At Deep Root Center (DRC), we believe that all young people deserve a safe educational environment where they feel trusted and heard - and where they are free to explore all the possibilities. Because, learning can only happen when kids intuitively understand that they are safe, heard, and trusted to make decisions, make mistakes, and explore all their interests to achieve their ever-evolving aspirations.
@Whole-Learners (3034) Checks can be made payable to:
Deep Root Center, 48 Riverside Drive, Canton, NY 13617 Where Your Donation Goes ...Opportunity for all kinds of kids
... off-set membership fees for families who couldn’t otherwise afford to attend our center. You can help us keep our promise to never refuse a child, simply because their family does not have the financial resources. Other Ways to Help...
Deep Root Center has a "pay what you can" policy with an established minimum. We have subsidized over $200,000.00 in fees this year, alone. There is not a special scholarship fund from where we draw these subsidies.
You can also purchase items that will directly support the hands-on projects our students design themselves from our Amazon WishList.
Thank you!