When given the opportunity, how do you describe yourself? Do you reference your physical and personality characteristics, along with your skills, interests, and talents? Do you share your dreams and aspirations, and emphasize your positive attributes? Or, do you list your deficits and the negative aspects that you dislike about yourself, first? Most of us have mastered the fine art of self-deprecation. To the point where we don't even realize how much it has influenced every part of our lives. For fear of being labeled selfish, lazy, or narcissistic, we have learned to downplay our talents (and genius), work ourselves to the point of exhaustion, without resting, and ignore the burning desire to take the time to practice a new skill-set. Our health (mental and physical), relationships, and aspirations, along with our good intentions, are all the collateral damage that attests to our busy-ness and self-disparagement. No, you are not lazy or selfish if you take time to "goof-off" and rest your mind and body. No! You are not narcissistic if you think about following your passions and desire happiness. Therefore, the most important question of all may be, do you know, in your heart of hearts, what inspires you to be your best self? In the end, it all comes down to trusting that your true authentic self is perfectly suited to you (and is enough). Your joys, intuition, hopes, desires, talents, and skills, as well as your imperfections, are all part of you for a reason. Acting on the things that fulfill you is what will drive you to share yourself with others. And, not coincidentally, the resulting collaborations are what bring you more fully to yourself. Because all humans, even those of us who are extreme introverts, require meaningful connections with our fellow beings to survive and to, ultimately, thrive. DRC News
Thank you to Bill H. for assembling the portable basketball hoop that Tasha N. donated a couple weeks ago. We enjoyed a few short games of "PIG" before the rain arrived (and stayed around) this past week. Volunteer Opportunities Thank you also to Zoe S. for picking up the CNY Foodbank order at the Canton Neighborhood Center and bringing it to DRC last Wednesday. It is a task that we need a volunteer to take on least two Wednesdays every month. If you would like to help out occasionally, contact me here. DRC-East, in Lawrenceville, is booming. Six new kids joined us this last week! We are looking for dedicated volunteers to spend a day or two each week with our amazing kiddos over there. If you live in the area and would like to share your skills, talents, and interests with them, please get in touch to learn more. Thank you!
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