![]() The human condition compels us to seek out the newest thing. Avant-garde, advanced, cutting edge, fresh, original, innovative, and revolutionary – are all qualities that we genuinely think we want. But, then, we realize they are scary as hell. I mean, really, let’s be completely honest here, the attributes most of us truly desire are steady, consistent, tried and true, reliable, trustworthy, dependable, and proven. We really don’t want to jump on any kind of bandwagon before we know for an absolute fact – said bandwagon - is completely safe and is going to be around for the long haul. As with anything, there are a few outliers - those pioneers who are willing to take the risk for us all. Again, let’s be candid, without those few brave souls, culture would stagnate. There would have been no advancement, no change, no reform, and no transformation throughout all of human history. It sounds a bit ridiculous, but hominids would still be wandering the wilds of Africa eating raw meat, if none of them was willing to conquer their fear, long enough, to tame fire. Once the latest thing has been around long enough to be embraced by those early adopters (“lone nuts”), and the innovators of the concept have proven their mettle by working hard and keeping their promises – what was risky is then considered normal, everyday, and totally innocuous. As a point of example, after just four years – Deep Root Center is no longer regarded weird, “off the wall,” or hazardous, and I am not deemed certifiable (well, for the most part, until I tell them my latest ideas). People don’t take the long way around our table, anymore, to avoid conversation at local events. Nor, do they take a step (or two) back and cover their child’s ears when I tell them, “school is totally optional.” In fact, they are seeking us out – walking up those twenty-five stairs to drop in and learn more about our programs, calling, emailing, and engaging in long conversations out in the community. A few parents have even told me that someone in their school system has recommended us. There is a wider recognition that school is not the right fit for every child and that rising out of the institution that is detrimental to a child is perfectly OK. In our case, this phenomenon has three essential pieces. One - we have proven ourselves by consistently showing up, doing good work, dedicating ourselves to transparency and honesty, being flexible, and steadfastly keeping our promises. Without fail, DRC has been, and, will be here, for any child who needs us. No excuses! In addition, if we make a mistake or falter, we own it, apologize, and move on to do better. Two – if it wasn’t for those few trailblazers who were amendable, courageous, and, possibly desperate enough to join DRC in our early years, we would not have had the opportunity to prove ourselves. It is because of them that DRC endured through that first year and a half. Thank you! And, three – our community has embraced and welcomed us. DRC has always considered Canton home and we are thankful for the continual support of our village. It appears that Deep Root Center has the best of both worlds, and for that, I am immensely grateful. We are revolutionaries - making waves. And, yet, we are a trusted educational option for those kids and families who choose (need) to rise out of school and develop personalized learning strategies. * this video explains the above “Lone Nut” reference ![]() DRC NEWS Have you seen our Facebook fundraiser? (See copy below) “We are all thrilled to be moving into our new home very soon. It offers us some of the essentials we were missing in our current facility: a backyard, storage, areas for large hands-on-projects, a full kitchen, and room to grow. DRC is getting a fantastic deal because it needs a bit of loving care including a new roof and a paint job. Please help us raise $5000.00 within the next month to help us accomplish these essential tasks. You can contribute here, or by visiting www.deeprootcenter.org and clicking the donate button. You can also send a personal check to Deep Root Center, 7 Main St, 2nd Fl., Canton, NY 13617. Every cent counts! We appreciate contributions of any size. Thank you! We are incredibly grateful to be a part of this amazing community, and we look forward to throwing a party to celebrate this major accomplishment with all of you. Stay tuned for details.” The Big Move Once we have a closing date, we will be sending out specific requests for help with the moving process. Thanks to many donations and grant funding, we have accumulated a lot of furniture, resources, and materials that all have to go down those 25 stairs. We will rent a moving truck to get it all out and up the street in one (very long) day. In the meantime, if you would like to help pack or paint some of the walls (sadly, we are painting over all those fantastic murals) here at 7 Main St – please get in touch. Website Take a look at the newly refreshed website – and please pass along any errors you see.
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