If I was to ask you right now, what would you say lights your fire? What are the things that make you happy, just by thinking about them? What would you do if you had the time? If given the opportunity, what would you explore deeply? If making money and earning a living were not a consideration, how would you spend your days? Was it easy to answer those questions, or did you come up blank - no ideas - zilch, nada? If the latter is the case, you are not alone. Every year, I ask these very same questions of all of our members - twice. Once when I meet with them (this year it was by phone) to write their Individual Home Instruction Plans (IHIPs) and again when we are all together on our first day to brainstorm two lists - one of classes and the other of projects and activities they would like to add to the schedule. What I have discovered over the years is that, generally, the older the child is, the harder it is for them to answer these questions. And every year, I am devastated to find that jadedness, indifference, and pure apathy are showing up in younger and younger kids. In my experience, every year a child is in the system - the longer it takes to deprogram them from their detachment to rediscover their love of learning. Again I ask, what lights your fire? Think hard - then find a way to do that thing. Step away from your busyness for a while to experience - joy, satisfaction, enthusiasm, and passion. Your children are watching and learning from you. Explore all the possibilities and have a blast! DRC NewsWe spent our first week getting to know each other, both as a full DRC crew and within the two individual centers. We will begin our classes and activities on Monday. Find the ideas our members generated here in the DRC Fall calendar. To accommodate everyone who would like to join DRC, most of our sessions are hybrid - available to access in person or remotely through our Discord server. They had a few other suggestions not in this schedule because we need volunteers who have the knowledge and skill to facilitate them - specifically voice acting and architecture. Please get in touch if you are willing to spend an hour each week sharing your skills and talents with kiddos who are excited to learn from you. We are also looking for someone eager to teach/share Mohawk/Awkwesasne culture with several of our members. Ideally, the instructor is Mohawk for many reasons, but especially authenticity and representation. Comments are closed.