![]() I usually have no (freaking) idea what I am doing. Shocking (?) – quite possibly; however, (I think) no one actually realizes that I am frequently flying by the seat of my pants, and that I, quite literally, am making stuff (sh*t) up as I go along. (This phrasing is a nod to Chris Mercogliano’s book about the Albany Free School entitled, Making It Up as We Go Along.) This approach applies to the big things like (oh, you know) founding and running Deep Root Center, seeking big donations, and purchasing a facility, as well as the less significant stuff. I know by now that I cannot plan or outline anything; if I do - it doesn’t matter what it is – from a speech or a lesson plan for a class to something as mundane as presenting an idea at our community meeting, it bombs, spectacularly. If I can’t extemporize and be totally authentic and spontaneous, I honestly don’t want to be involved. Some people may refer to me as a “bullsh*t artist” or even featherbrained; I, however, prefer to think of myself as decisive and confident. My innate can-do attitude simply means that I believe in my ideas and my ability to get things done. It doesn’t matter if it is something that I have never encountered, I will, without question, jump in and figure it out (unless it involves dealing with mice – that is beyond even my scope of nerve). I often wonder where this level of assertiveness comes from. Is it the fact that I am the eldest of four children, or, maybe, because I embrace my inner Scorpio? Or, it could even be that I absolutely despise following any kind of rules; I am persistent, strong-willed, and, for nearly 54 years, I have created my own way of being – I genuinely like being different. Whatever the reason, I am grateful. And, even though many would attempt to hinder those very same attributes in a child or teen, I will always encourage and stand up for my students when they exhibit them by taking on the world in their own ingenious way, fighting for what is right for them, following their dreams, embracing their strengths, and enthusiastically diving into any challenge that presents itself. * This week you are fortunate enough to get two blog posts in one. I was inspired to write the following short piece this past Thursday evening. “I am Proud of You …” … is, I believe, the most important statement, besides, “I love you,” that you can say to another human being (or yourself). In saying, “I am proud of you,” you are acknowledging and validating that person’s existence, as well as their positive impact on your life. And, most significantly, you are setting the stage for future reasons to be proud. Try it – “I am proud of you!” And, then, stand back and watch the awesomeness unfold. DRC News: In case you have not seen the round of Social Media Posts – we are excited to announce that we are closing on our new home this Wednesday! Before we can have the kids there, we need to install: (1) Handrails on the stairway and the cellar stairs, (2) A railing at the top of the stairs, (3) and, a fence behind the garage roof, so the kids cannot access it from the backyard. We also need some (strong) bodies to help us move all of our furniture, equipment, and very full boxes up the street. We are going to manage this a bit at a time. If you have a few spare moments in the next couple weeks, please consider helping us with a load or two. If you can assist with any of these essentials (and, want to get a peek at our awesome new space before everyone else) please get I touch.
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