In celebration of the unofficial beginning of summer - here is a tutorial on how to cut up a watermelon. This one is for those of you who appreciate a bowl full of delightfully chilled watermelon chunks.
This third virtual cooking class has been filmed in three sections. I made the basic yeast bread dough in the first, shaped the dough into cinnamon rolls in the second, and showed off the finished product in the third. You can watch the first video and simply make bread dough that can be shaped into a loaf or used as the base for homemade pizza.
Ingredients: 1 T - dried yeast 1 T - white sugar 2 C - warm water 2 C - Flour This is the proof. Mix well and let sit for 5 min. or until the top is bubbly. Then add: 2 1/2 - 3 1/2 C flour (can use a combo of whole wheat, white, wheat germ, oats, flax seed,or sunflower seeds) 1/4 C - melted butter or oil 1/2 t - salt Mix until dough won't accept any more flour Turn out onto counter and knead Place in bowl with a wet dish towel and let rise till double (about 1 hr.) Punch down (deflate) Shape dough into desired form and let rise again till double. Bake till golden brown.
Here is the second virtual cooking class from Maria's Kitchen.
1 lb - cooked pasta (whatever kind you have available) White Sauce - In saute or frying pan 2 T - melted butter 1/4 -1/2 C - chopped wild leek, green onion, or cooking onion (whatever you have) - save the green of the leeks or green onion for later. 1/4 t - turmeric (optional) 2 T - white flour 1 1/2 C - milk pinch - salt pinch - ground pepper Mix white sauce and 1/3-1/2 lb - crumbled or grated cheese (any kind you have) into pot of pasta. Add: 1 cup - fresh or frozen peas (optional) cut up wild leek leaves or green onion leaves. Stir and serve hot.
Here it is - the first DRC Virtual Cooking Class. These tutorials are not just for kids. They are for anyone who enjoys cooking and would like to do more. Today's recipe is banana bread. The ingredient list is below. Make a yummy mess and have fun! Post photos of your results in the comments, or on your own social media with the tag @deeprootcenter We are also looking for a name for this series. Post your ideas in the comments, as well.
Banana Bread 3 - over-ripe bananas 1/2 cup - melted butter 2 - eggs 1/4 cup - molasses 3/4 cup - white sugar 1 t - ground ginger 1 t - ground cinnamon 1 1/2 t - baking powder 1/2 t - baking soda 2 cups - flour and grains
This, 5th Edition of Yes, It Counts, is an extension of yesterday's survey. How can Deep Root Center support you and your family? Please let us know.
In this third installment of Yes, It Counts, I talk about the importance of allowing kids to be bored. Seriously! Step back and watch the magic of boredom inspired creativity.
Yes, It Counts! Installment #2
In this post I talk about the fact that cooking not only provides practical skills, it is also a vehicle for stories, family lore, and culture.
This new VLOG called "Yes it Counts," was born from a desire to share insights I have gained over the past six years of providing a Self-directed learning environment to our community. This first one is about the importance of conversations. Please feel free to share highlights from a recent conversation you have had with a child, in the comments.